For this project I decided to start my 24 hours at the beginning of film class. Generally after completing the task I was doing, I’d jot down in my notes what I did, as well as when I stopped doing it. I jotted down the main things I did rather than the specific ones because the pie chart would have very slim slices if that were the case. I then recorded audio explaining what I do throughout the day & why.
Color Pallete
Pie Chart
Audio Editing
Video Editing
The Documentary
What I Learned
I learned that during the end of the school year, I spend a lot of time doing hobbies, when I should be balancing it out with my schoolwork. I also need to get a bit more sleep & establish a schedule.
During post production, I reflected with my team on our film & how we thought we did. I also helped my team gather screenshots for evidence in our slideshow.
Evidence of Further Input
In this scene, the actors were given opportunities to improvise, because in “Jenna”s case, she was supposed to panic & make up excuses.
Improvisation was used during the West Bay sceneOn set, we decided to not use the last few lines of them driving off. Instead we filmed an alternate ending with new dialogue. we all gave input on how the story should end.
Evaluation of Script
The story I wrote is a basic romantic comedy, but the use of moving locations, lighting choices, & a longer script to add depth to our characters makes it feel like a complete satisfying story, rather than a short video about a scenario.
The script was made slightly different from our other ones. We left a lot of room for improvisation, especially when all 3 actors were on set.
How I Could Have Improved The Film
I could’ve added more scenes of Jerry feeling guilty for not going with Jared. I can show him visibly not wanting to be on the date with Jenna while it’s happening. I also could’ve had him leave early for dramatic effect. Just more scenes to show what happened with Jerry’s date.
What I Learned
I learned to take better care of equipment, & how to communicate with my team & improvise when some people are not present. I also learned how to make my dialogue sound more natural. While filming, some lines sounded weird so my team & I made on set changes.
Yes, with our film just needing to be edited, I had time to work on my blog post.
Working on production blog post, starting post production
50 mins
Yes, I needed to grab my evidence for my production so I worked on that.
Getting more evidence for production & working on post-production.
45 mins
Yes, My blog post was not finished & needed more evidence
Watching our films
50 mins
Yes, it was time to show our work
Working on Post-production
50 mins
Yes, with production pretty much done, I just had to work on post production stuff.
Personal Comments (Optional)
Remember reflecting on your own choices and work can help you improve both. Are there any other comments you would like to include for your own reflection? If so, please enter them here:
Planning when to reshoot, calling places that could fix SD card.
50 mins
Yes, We wanted to see if we could fix the broken SD card, but just in case we planned to reshoot.
Reshoot planning, communicating with team on day thats best for everyone to reshoot
50 mins
Yes, the SD card couldn’t be fixed so we had to plan on another day.
Looking at scenes from rom-coms to see if we can improve our dialogue in the film.,
30 mins
Yes, since we have lots of spare time, we can research to add more to our film.
Collaborating with director on shot list & finishing plans for Saturday shooting.
Yes, establishing our plans for the weekend is important to minimize team confusion. We also might use different shots than the ones we lost.
Planning meet time for tomorrow & planning for weather.
50 mins
Yes, because the forecast had high chance of rain, & that could affect the camera & wardrobe.
Personal Comments (Optional)
Remember reflecting on your own choices and work can help you improve both. Are there any other comments you would like to include for your own reflection? If so, please enter them here:
During production, the script I made was more loose for the actors (like myself). We used most of the lines written, but ended up changing some lines & the way they were delivered in some scenes. I assisted the director & cinematographer on how things could be shot & if we could do additional shots.
Contribution to the shooting script
In the original script, Jerry goes with Jared immediately & then the film ends, but as this shot shows, we decided to have Jerry hesitate & end up staying with Jenna to add tension between Jerry & Jared.
This shot shows the ending we ended up going with & adding during production. Jerry & Jared make up & get matches on tinder like Jerry did in the beginning. This makes for a more satisfying ending.
Challenges faced during shooting
SD card was damaged making us have to reshoot most of our scenes.
On-site Re-writes during production
In the original, Jerry describes the girl & jokes a bit. In the final, Jerry’s jokes are gone & Jared just gives a suspicious nod.
Assistance given to the director
Actor positioning in scenes
How lines should be delivered
What I learned
During production I learned how to deliver certain lines from our director. I also learned to improvise & say different lines from the script to improve the film.
Prep for our film & scout locations while making revisions.
Work Tasks
Task Description
Time Spent
Was this a Best Practice?
Scouting locations, helping cinematographer with lighting, practicing lines.
Yes, finding a public location we are aloud to film at is important, practicing lighting for indoor shots with cinematographer while practicing lines helps actors & camera man so that it’ll go smoother while officially filming.
Communicating with team on potential shooting days & which weekend day & time works best.
Yes, with cinematographer gone, we couldn’t practice shots so we decided to plan other things.
Going to library to do test shots & rehearse script lines.
30 mins
Yes, while practicing lines & camera work we made adjustments that could make the dialogue flow smoother & the camera shots look better with different positioning.
Creating production blog posts, scheduling shooting time that’s best for all of our actors.
45 mins
Yes, Our actors have tight schedules so we communicated a best time for everyone.
Watching scenes similar to our films tone & genre, the filling in on-set rewrites in production journal
45 mins
Yes, We have our stuff scheduled so we can just do extra research for our film
Revising pre-production: researching videos that show example of good pacing & putting it into the blog post.
50 mins
Revising pre-production: Researching videos that show example of Moving locations & putting it into the blog post.
30 mins
Revising pre-production: Researching videos that show a good example of “Defining Character” film element then putting it into the blog post. I also collaborated with the director to confirm that the scene shows the film element.
50 mins
Revising pre-production: Finishing up blog post by researching “passage of time” film element in a scene. I then put it in the blog post.
50 mins
Personal Comments (Optional)
Are there any other comments you would like to include? If so, please enter them here:
Two best friends unknowing get together with the same person, leading to a hilarious slightly tense twist in their love life. Two close friends are hanging out together when Jerry finds out that he’s got a match on tinder, who he is planning on meeting later that day. Not being able to drive at the moment, he asks Jared for a ride since he’s going to grab food around the same time Jerry & his match are meeting up. Once Jared drops him off, he recognizes the girl as his girlfriend. This makes him angry & he confronts them about it. After some arguing, Jared ends things with his girlfriend & leaves the place with Jerry.
26: Pacing
Consistent dialogue keeps audience hooked with comedic lines & some exposition.
99. Passage of time:
Napoleon checking his watch & being tired shows a passage of time. We plan to show something similar in our film to show the time skip from the first location to the park.
94: Defining character
This scene establishes both of the characters personalities & what they are having problems with through dialogue. This gives lots of depth to them.
97: Moving locations
This scene shows two characters being called to a different location, so they have to drive there while explaining some backstory. It also shows the landscape in the background being very chaotic, like this movie.
Drafts of Script
Some changes we made to the story was instead of having them both match with the same girl, we had one of the characters be in an established relationship with the girl that his friend matches with. We added more settings from just inside to school to in the car & at Yauger Park.
Characterization developement
Our main characters are meant to be close friends who like to joke around a bit & live with each other. Our first character Jared is in a relationship with a girl, while Jerry is looking for a match on tinder. There’s very little conflict between them to start because Jerry doesn’t know Jared’s girlfriend, & Jared doesn’t know that Jenna (the girlfriend) has matched with Jerry on tinder. But once Jared drops Jerry off & sees that his date is Jenna, he becomes angry with both of them. This causes lots of tension between all 3 of them, as Jerry becomes confused & worried while Jenna tries to explain herself (poorly). Jared’s anger will build up so much that he will flounce out, ending things with Jenna.
The argument scene from Crazy, Stupid, Love
The argument in this scene works well because it was built up to through subtle bits of information mentioned throughout the film. You can clearly understand everyone’s confusion & frustration.
This scene shows the character’s struggle with his love life, while balancing the drama out with comedy.
This film will be about two best friends unknowing getting together with the same person, leading to a hilarious twist in their love life. The genre would be Romantic Comedy. The two main characters named Jerry & Jared are hanging out when Jerry gets a match on tinder & is planning on meeting this person later that day. Jerry is excited about this, & Jared gives him a ride to the park where they’re meeting because it’s close to where he’s headed. As he drops off Jerry, he recognizes the girl he matched with as his girlfriend Jenna. He angrily steps out & confronts them. Jerry becomes confused since he’s never met Jenna before, while Jenna panicked & tries to explain her wrong-doing. The dialogue of Jared & Jerry will be smooth but faster paced because of the characters being confused & wanting explanations. Jenna’s dialogue will be nervous & have more word jumbling because she’s panicking. After a tense interaction, Jared ends things with Jenna & drives back with Jerry. The story ends with a shot of them in the car talking, & then they both get a notification that they got a new match on tinder.
Two close friends Jared & Jerry are hanging out when Jerry gets a match on tinder. Jerry then gets a ride from Jared to the place they’re meeting. Jared notices that the girl he’s meeting with is his girlfriend Jenna. Jared questions why Jenna is with him. Having never met Jenna, this confuses Jerry as he explains that he’s never met her. Jenna then tries to talk her way out of the situation, but she can’t figure out a good excuse for what she’s done. Jared & Jerry then leave both very frustrated. The film ends with them talking about how they don’t need women, & that they only need friendship. This is followed by them both getting notifications on their phone, showing that they both got a new match, causing them to celebrate.
Characters will be wearing casual clothes, & will be wearing their same outfits for every shot for continuity purposes.
What I learned/Problems solved
I learned how to create an effective build-up to a comedic, tense interaction for the story. One problem we had was figuring out how to fill out plot holes, & writing the characters so that their actions are justified & understandable. Communicating with the director on character writing