Production Project Session 3

Make Em Laugh : Sitcoms
Make Em Laugh : Sitcoms” by Austin Kleon is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0.




Intention (SMART Goal)

By Jan. 13, as Writer, I will have evidence of witty dialogue in the script by following Larry David’s Creative Process Breakdown: How to Write Comedy like a Bald Jerk for session 3.


Leader(s) in the Field / Exemplary Work(s)

Larry David

Larry David is an American comedian, writer, actor, & television producer. He is most famous for being part of creating shows such as Seinfeld & Curb your enthusiasm. His style of writing throughout those shows is part of what makes him so successful in his work.

Training Source(s)

  • 1:00 Character, plot structure, & tone provide a platform to feed joke potential
  • 2:17 Before writing jokes, know your characters to put them in situations.
  • 4:09 Problems occur, are investigated, then resolved.
  • 6:22 How would characters respond in that situation?
  • 10:22 Episodes are about problems, investigating those problems, then resolving them.
  • 11:02 Plots are structured with: problem, compounded, make it worse, react, resolve

Project Timeline

Pre-production – Research scenes that match the style we want to make our film, choose roles in teams, write a pitch & make adjustments, make multiple storyboards with feedback, & write a script & make adjustments.

Production: Choose location, shoot scenes, make on-set adjustments, gain evidence for smart goal, and edit the film

Post-Production – Show the film, write down feedback, and communicate with the team about feedback.

Evidence of Team Planning and Decisions

Our team decided to have our film styled as an old sitcom. We know our strengths in film, making our roles for each person very easy to decide. We also all agreed on where the film should be set, as well as how our characters should act in the film.


The (FILM, SOUND, or GAME Creation)

Skills Commentary

Film Slideshow


21st Century Skills

Ways of Thinking (Creativity, Innovation, Critical Thinking, Problem-Solving)

Constant communication with our team members helped minimize problems, helping us be very efficient with our time. When we did run into problems such as what to put in our storyboard, or the camera not working, we helped each other out to solve that problem. We also all watched scenes from sitcoms to boost our creativity & come up with ideas for our film.

Ways of Working (Communication & Collaboration)

I collaborated with my team to choose the setting, make on-set changes, as well as what the casting should be. We all made a few adjustments to the script to make sure the pacing was good & the punchlines were perfectly set up. Our cinematographer & director chose the camera angles to make our film look accurate to sitcoms.

Tools for Working (Info & Media Literacy)

Youtube analysis of Larry David’s writing techniques, style & ways of thinking of ideas.

Ways of Living in the World (Life & Career)

Working with groups, constantly helping each other & collaborating can help with real-world projects in the careers I’m pursuing.

Reactions to the Final Version

  • Good
  • had a very “saved by the bell” vibe
  • Efficiently written script

Self-Evaluation of Final Version

I did a good job with pacing in the script, no scenes of the dialogue felt too long & it was easy to understand. I think the simplicity made it very quick & effective.

Grammar and Spelling



Bryce Burney